Monday, February 05, 2007

As long as the mood takes me

I've been neglecting this blog of late. All of a sudden ten days have flown by without a single post. So what's been getting in the way?

Well firstly the novelty value has worn thin. I catch myself thinking about doing my blog and then feeling it's a bit of a chore. That certainly isn't how I want it to be. And of course once you get into that mindset it's amazing how easy it is to lose any sense of creative spark.

What else? I've been tired. A combination of too much work and too little rest takes its toll. While Dan sleeps much better than he used to, there are still one or two interruptions most nights when he needs feeding.

Also we went away one weekend to my mum's and then I had to spend most of the following weekend working. So we've not had much of a break. Oh and yesterday we went to church as part of preparing ourselves for Dan's christening at Easter. For someone who barely sees the inside of a church from one year to the next, it was OK but hardly my preferred way of spending a Sunday morning.

So, there we go. I'll add a selection of recent photos later and I resolve to blog more often - as long as the mood takes me.

1 comment:

Helena said...

Stangely, I've been feeling this way myself. I've been busy writing songs for my son's new band and supporting them in their practise. I hate leaving my blogs for any great length of time, though. I solved mine by doing my recent blog on them!!

Don't feel too guilty Paul. Life tends to get in the way - especially via kids. But what greater topic for a blog than our offspring? They'll always be and have a story to tell.

I'll look forward to those pics!