Daniel is all of 21 days old today.
It's been a remarkable and eye opening three weeks, full of highs and the occasional 'oh my god am I ever going to get a decent night's sleep again?'
One of the great things about having a baby is the response of family, friends and colleagues. The house has been filled with cards, flowers, chocolates, toys and baby clothes. At work people I rarely speak to normally, stop me and ask how it's going. Everyone reflects a collective sense of joy, optimism and support.
Of course the 'babymoon' doesn't last for ever, but these first three weeks have certainly been very special. And he's making great progress. He was weighed yesterday and is now 6lbs (2.7kg), which is a very healthy gain on his birth weight of 5lbs 2oz (2.3kg). All that guzzling at the 'milk bar' appears to have paid off. He'll be measured for the first time next week, which will please my danish relatives who can't understand that we no longer measure babies at birth over here. Apparently they wriggle too much!
Being proud parents Liz and I have been avidly following his progress and noting those 'firsts' that parents always bang on about. I shan't bore you with all the details, other than to say that when he was born his Apgar scores (Activity, Pulse, Grimace, Appearance, Respiration) - taken at one minute and five minutes - were nine and ten, which is pretty exceptional. ;)
It's been a remarkable and eye opening three weeks, full of highs and the occasional 'oh my god am I ever going to get a decent night's sleep again?'
One of the great things about having a baby is the response of family, friends and colleagues. The house has been filled with cards, flowers, chocolates, toys and baby clothes. At work people I rarely speak to normally, stop me and ask how it's going. Everyone reflects a collective sense of joy, optimism and support.
Of course the 'babymoon' doesn't last for ever, but these first three weeks have certainly been very special. And he's making great progress. He was weighed yesterday and is now 6lbs (2.7kg), which is a very healthy gain on his birth weight of 5lbs 2oz (2.3kg). All that guzzling at the 'milk bar' appears to have paid off. He'll be measured for the first time next week, which will please my danish relatives who can't understand that we no longer measure babies at birth over here. Apparently they wriggle too much!
Being proud parents Liz and I have been avidly following his progress and noting those 'firsts' that parents always bang on about. I shan't bore you with all the details, other than to say that when he was born his Apgar scores (Activity, Pulse, Grimace, Appearance, Respiration) - taken at one minute and five minutes - were nine and ten, which is pretty exceptional. ;)
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