Is how one of my colleagues described his first night at home with his first child.
Thankfully, bringing Daniel home wasn't quite so frightening. However, lying in bed at night listening to him snuffling like a hedgehog (well they are both in constant search of milk ) makes you very aware of the responsibility you've taken on.
Because he was low birth weight, he and Liz spent four days in hospital. This isn't such a bad thing as you have 24/7 expertise to draw on. In my experience hospitals aren't exactly fun - hot, noisy and depressing are words that spring to mind.
Thankfully, bringing Daniel home wasn't quite so frightening. However, lying in bed at night listening to him snuffling like a hedgehog (well they are both in constant search of milk ) makes you very aware of the responsibility you've taken on.
Because he was low birth weight, he and Liz spent four days in hospital. This isn't such a bad thing as you have 24/7 expertise to draw on. In my experience hospitals aren't exactly fun - hot, noisy and depressing are words that spring to mind.
The staff at the Rosie Maternity Hopsital were tremendous, both during the delivery - not straightforward - and afterwards.
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