As you may have gathered, I have no claims to any great expertise on this subject - in fact quite the opposite.
Fortunately the internet is a wonderful resource and there is no shortage of helpful advice. Take this page of sleep links from The Mother of All Blogs for example. In addition to the practical stuff there is also a link to a Flickr pool of sleeping baby photos.
It has to be said that many of them are extremely cute - almost as cute as Daniel (when he's asleep that is).
And here is a Squidoo lens featuring answers to the top seven baby sleep questions - sweet dreams!
Fortunately the internet is a wonderful resource and there is no shortage of helpful advice. Take this page of sleep links from The Mother of All Blogs for example. In addition to the practical stuff there is also a link to a Flickr pool of sleeping baby photos.
It has to be said that many of them are extremely cute - almost as cute as Daniel (when he's asleep that is).
And here is a Squidoo lens featuring answers to the top seven baby sleep questions - sweet dreams!
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